Deciding between PwC and Deloitte based on client base?

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  • #198746

    I am currently deciding between PwC and Deloitte nyc. I know NYC isn’t the best place for tech, but I do want to be exposed to tech clients. Deloitte has a EGC (emerging growth company) department with a lot of startups, which I think can be really cool to audit/help with IPOS. However, Deloitte doesn’t have big tech clients. PwC has some major tech clients based in NYC (Samsung, IBM, Xerox and even MasterCard for some reason), and they also have a department for startups (although smaller compared to Deloitte’s). I liked Deloitte people (a little) better, but am tempted to choose PwC for the big tech clients. If I were to jump to private and do tech, wouldn’t it be better if I have audited the big public clients and the small ones? That way I can not only look at jobs at smaller companies, I can apply to jobs at public companies too.

    I know auditing public and private companies can be quite different.

    I guess ultimately what i am trying to ask is: do I really need to have audited the big tech clients in order to jump to a well-recognized (and bigger) tech company? What if my experiences were way more focused on the private tech startups about to go public?

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  • #750246

    You should go with the firm that you felt most comfortable with and the people you seemed to like because you will be spending a lot of time with those people. Also, when you are a first year you don't get to pick what clients you work on. They assign you where you are needed. So, there is no guarantee you will be on those tech clients. I say go in open minded and learn as much as you can. Any skills you learn you can take to healthcare, banking and tech companies when you are ready to make an exit.

    AUD - 73, 72 retake 7/2/2016
    BEC - 8/20/2016
    REG - TBD
    FAR - TBD

    I am so ready for this nightmare to be over. Been at this way too long.

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