Can I get money if I opt out of redeeming course materials through Big Four?

  • Creator
  • #2101347
    Steve K

    Hey all. So I apologize for the poorly worded topic title but I wasn’t sure how to phrase it.

    So here is a quick background followed by my question.
    As many of you know, all of the Big Four firms provide you with “reimbursement” for purchasing a review course (although most of the time its through direct billing with the review company and you don’t pay a thing out of pocket). So, I just recently accepted an offer with a Big Four firm and will start working next year after I graduate with my MAcc. As part of my offer, the company told me that I could redeem the Becker review course for free (through this direct billing arrangement) and use the course to help me study and pass.

    Now, during undergrad, I served as a Becker campus ambassador and as a result, already received an 18-month version of the course for free. This course does not expire for me until May 2019.

    So the question I have is, If I pass the CPA exam before this date (May 2019), and therefore do not have to redeem the Big Four company’s offer, would I be able to get a bigger bonus or something like that? Since in essence, I am saving the company at least 3k by not having to buy the Becker course through the direct billing arrangement.

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  • #2101494



    That would be like them paying you the amount they save on health insurance if you don't get the health insurance. No company is going to do this.


    My assumption would be no, and I would also assume it would be in poor taste to even bring it up.
    You could always get access and sell it to someone, if you were completely morally and ethically bankrupt. (Also illegal, don't do it.)

    Steve K

    That's what I figured but just wanted to clarify. and I certainly wouldn't redeem it and then sell it to someone. Not trying to lose my job before I even start

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