Campus recruitment

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  • #198804

    I graduated in 2012 with Bachelors in Accounting and Finance (150 credits).

    Worked for various accounting jobs ranging from a/r clerk to staff accountant (got 1 year experience under a CPA)

    Now I want to get into audit (big4/mid size). I cant get my foot in the door as most entry positions are strictly campus hires and experienced roles require at least 1 year of prior audit experience.

    My plan is to receive passing grade for BEC Dec 9th, and hopefully get my license by March.

    I want to enroll into an MBA program part time just so I can qualify as a student and participate in campus recruitment process. However, I dont intend to complete the MBA program.

    Anyone done this before? Do firms require you to finish MBA before you can start full time?

    FAR - 76*, 73, 85
    BEC - 69, 72, 78*, 80
    AUD - 72, 71, 90
    REG - 71, 74, 85


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  • #750595

    I don't think that if you “change your mind” mid-program and decide not to get your degree once you are working that they probably won't have an issue with it if it isn't needed. It is, however, slightly false advertising. I would at least take a few courses, one day you may actually want to finish it and education works almost like a savings account.

    Make sure that the school you enroll in is recruited by Big 4/Midsize or you will have an uphill battle even still. Also, an MSAC at many schools does not require that you take the GMAT or GRE, so that is also something to consider. It will be harder to get into a good MBA program than a good MS accounting program.


    I've heard of many people getting into big 4 out of school, granted most but not all positions go to campus hires. And since applying as a student by no means guarantees an offer I think it's a huge gamble that I personally wouldn't be willing to take. From what I understand a MS isn't required, only the 150 credits which you've clearly already met. Time better spent networking and making connections to get a foot in the door.

    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager


    I second what mla said. I had been working as an internal auditor for 5 years before going to Big 4 it took a year of networking and hounding recruiters on LinkedIn before I finally got an interview. You have to think outside of the box. You have been working so you need to figure out how that work experience can be helpful in audit. If you have an accounting background that should help with financial audits. Obviously your accounting department had controls in place that you had to follow.

    You will need a good cover letter and possibly need to rewrite your resume so that the work experience you currently have says hire me. Be confident and sure of yourself when you talk about yourself and your past work.

    AUD - 73, 72 retake 7/2/2016
    BEC - 8/20/2016
    REG - TBD
    FAR - TBD

    I am so ready for this nightmare to be over. Been at this way too long.


    @funtiks I got in to a top 10 firm 2.5 years out of college.. I think starting an MBA program JUST to participate in a campus recruiting style interview process is a crazy idea 🙂

    Form your resume around your desire to work in audit.. (aka, mention specific duties that you had that required communication with CEO, Controller, CFO, President, the Board, etc.), I worked in Internal Audit prior to making the jump, but I was also an Analyst right out of college, so I went through everything and made sure that if it didn't have anything to do with audit, I at least made sure I mentioned the times that I had to prepare reports to present to the Board.

    Like @ruggercpa2b said… you have to think out of the box, be more proactive. I applied to 50-100 jobs, if not more, in public accounting within a couple weeks, before I got my current job.

    REG - 73, 69 ugh
    AUD - 11/21/2015
    BEC - Jan 2015
    FAR - April 2015

    Becker Self Study/NINJA Audio/NINJA Flashcards


    Do not go back to school and enroll into a program just so you can get a shot at campus recruiting! Work on getting your license and network. You can apply as an experienced hire- big 4 usually has pretty hire turnover so you should be able to at least get a shot. You have to sell yourself!! If you go back to school the recruiters are going to look at you like your crazy lol. This is why….The recruiter's want you to be done with school and ready to work so if your going to do the master's program you will have to wait until your done to start working (but you already have the 150 and CPA). So are you going to tell the recruiter's that you just enrolled to get a shot at campus recruiting and then going to drop out of the program? Join your state CPA society, network on LinkedIn, and if you someone that works at big 4 see if they can refer you. That's going to be your smartest and most financially sound decision IMO.


    You don't need to go back to school to get a job. Tailor your resume to the job that you want (tax, audit or consulting). is one of the best websites out there for that. and NETWORK! NETWORK AND NETWORK! tell everyone who's willing to listen that you're looking for a job. It worked for me after being out of school for almost 2 years. Good Luck!


    I enrolled in a masters program after Passing my CPA exams exclusively for recruiting. I was four classes vested into my MST when i got a full time offer from Big 4. If you have all the classics requirements of the Big 4( presentable appearance, social personality, solid gpa) paired with the CPA its not a huge risk if the program is heavily recruited from.

    Experienced hires usually have public accounting experience and college students fill the entry level positions. I am going to wing some percentages for context and say he has about a 5 percent chance to get in Big 4 with out going to graduate school snd a 25 percent chance to get in Big 4 if he goes to a highly recruited graduate program. This is assuming he passed all his CPA exams and has at least a 3.5 gpa. I would sayu he will have a 75 percent chance to land a public accountin job with his CPA tests passed. The 25 percent chance of not landing a job factors in the socially awkward or people with poor interview skills. Theres alot of variables but i am comfortable pulling percentages out of my backside to help the Op understand that it is my opinion chances of recruitment increases significantly from Universities.

    Its definitely a risk, but if is truly his dream then he should make efforts to move in that direction. Its not like his MBA will be valuless if he dosen't land a job. I would definitely look into how big the recruitment fairs are. If he has an undergrad degree from a school that is recruited from he can also go to the job fair as alumni. Alot of people dont take advantage of this opportunity. Joining his State CPA society and going yo network events may aldo provide opportunities though truthfully i have no experience in this area.



    Thank you, I was looking to hear from someone who done it before.

    In my case I would be going to the same school I did my undergrad, and assuming I pass BEC tonight I will actually have my CPA license before I start classes.

    It's a heavily recruited school in NYC. Unfortunately, they require you to be a “student” to attend some of the recruiting events and fairs.

    When you got recruited, did you have to finish your MST? Were you able to start working full time and finish the degree later?

    FAR - 76*, 73, 85
    BEC - 69, 72, 78*, 80
    AUD - 72, 71, 90
    REG - 71, 74, 85



    I had to go back for my MBA (or something similar) in order to get credits to sit for the CPA exam. I then went on to my MSAC (for credits for the license). I did not go to a school that is recruited from, however, I would not have got my audit job in public accounting if I hadn't just recently finished school. I graduated at the end of August and received my offer in October. I actually attended a meet the firms event at a school I didn't go to (I was invited) and that is how I got the interview.
    I think that going to a school that is heavily recruited from with some industry experience (I actually didn't see anywhere that you specified this) will give you a really good shot at a job with a firm. My experience has been more of a “pay to play” type experience.
    FTR- I have a BA, MBA, and MSAC and my starting salary for one year nearly equals the entire investment I made, without a CPA.


    All recruiters expected me to finish. Some wanted me to start after I finished; others wanted to offer me internships. I ended up taking an offer with Big 4 with the agreement that i would finish classes this year. The MST is a technical degree that is applicable to the position I accepted, so the MBA may not be as necessary to complete right away assuming your a CPA or passed all of the exams. You should comsider that since many firms have tuition reimbursement for current employees you will be considered a more expensive purchase than candidates who want to start after they finish school.

    Also keep in mind that you will likely not get interviews from firms you interviewed with in the past if it has only been A couple of years. Since you did not pass their soft skills test you will not be invited back just because you have more qualifications. Did you go through the undergrad recruiting process without success? I would not go to the same school for an MBA if you already got rejected by many of the firms in actual interviews. If you did not get any interviews due to your resume not standing out then I would think that the MBA/CPA combo may change things.



    I never actually participated in undergrad recruitment, nor have many internships.

    I was set to join marine corps officer candidate school, ended up breaking my leg and that was the end of that dream…

    By the time I realized I need to do internships, attend recruitment events and join clubs it was too late.
    I have decent GPA. 3.4 overall and 3.6 major, but that alone did not net me a good job after graduation.

    FAR - 76*, 73, 85
    BEC - 69, 72, 78*, 80
    AUD - 72, 71, 90
    REG - 71, 74, 85


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