Big4 Internship for a non-american undergrad

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  • #1520467

    I’m an undergrad from the University of Delhi in India, graduated in summer of 2014. I have had no luck applying for full-time positions in any company here in US, even for AP/AR jobs. Had started applying landed a few interviews that went well (they said they liked me) but at the end of the day they went with someone else who had experience (and probably a degree from a school they have heard of). I ended up with a data entry job which was a temp to hire, they offered me a full-time position (I had passed AUD then) but I declined because I did not want to be stuck in a small company entering invoices and posting checks all day.

    Fast forward four months, I managed to clear FAR and BEC and will take REG soon. My question, how can I land an internship with Big 4 audit because every intern posting says the candidate should be enrolled/pursuing a full time degree. Should I apply anyway?
    And I’m not sure if they will even consider me for a full-time hire because I don’t have a north american degree. I have tried applying online before but with no luck.
    Should I wait till I have passed all parts or should I try and get in this summer?
    I have networked and managed to find two people (in consulting) who could give me referrals at one of the big 4, should I use it now or wait till I have passed my exams so that I have a better chance at getting the job?
    Will passing all four parts even make a difference?

    Please help me, as you must have already guessed, I don’t have a lot of connections and people I can go to for advice because of being new to the country. I will appreciate your time!

    FAR - 11/18/15 - 74, 04/29 - 70 overworked myself to the last day and was burnt out at the exam.
    AUD - 01/18/16 - 74 AGAIN FML, retake - only going to schedule when I feel happy with my prep.

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  • Author
  • #1520593

    professionalskeptic, in my personal opinion and experience getting your foot in the door of any Big4 will be extremely difficult if you don't have a U.S. degree. The easier option would be to get a master's from a reputable U.S. school where Big4 recruits heavily.

    Alternatively, you need to make an impression on a higher-ranking person within one of the firms at a networking event or through a common acquaintance. Also, Big4s are not your only option. Look at small and mid-size firms, those might be easier to get a job at.

    Finally, and probably most importantly: what is your immigration status? Do you have a green card, or do you require sponsorship for a work visa?

    AUD - passed
    REG - passed
    BEC - passed
    FAR - passed


    Thanks for the reply Son.

    I was expecting to hear something like that. It is disappointing because my degree is from a top school and it feels like such a waste now. But it won't stop me, I'll keep going at it, at least that's what I've learnt from taking this exam!!

    As for my immigration status, I'm a green card holder.

    Do you think once I have all four exams under my belt, would it increase my odds at all?

    FAR - 11/18/15 - 74, 04/29 - 70 overworked myself to the last day and was burnt out at the exam.
    AUD - 01/18/16 - 74 AGAIN FML, retake - only going to schedule when I feel happy with my prep.


    professionalskeptic, passing even some sections shows that you're serious. Also, it's great that you don't require visa sponsorship. Something to highlight in your resume when you apply, I'd recommend somewhere at the very top. Consider applying in bigger cities/markets too, people there might be a little more open-minded about your background.

    I hear you regarding the degree – I went to a top school in my country as well, but what really opened the doors for me here was my masters. That being said, the skills and knowledge you've got back home are not any less valuable because the school isn't know here, so keep your head high;)

    AUD - passed
    REG - passed
    BEC - passed
    FAR - passed

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