Big 4 Tax Salary

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  • #1548009

    Hello everyone.

    I know that the BIG 4 NYC pays about a 10k premium on your offer if you are starting as a tax associate with a MST versus not having one.

    I am worried that getting a MST will not adequately help me prep for the CPA exam so I am planning to do the MSA with a concentration in tax.

    Does anyone know if BIG 4 pays the premium if you have MSA concentrated in tax (e.g. having 5-6 classes in tax or more)?

    In other words, i want this salary boost and how can i get it?

    Thanks in advance.

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  • Author
  • #1548018



    Short answer: no premium for MSA with concentration in tax.

    REG 68,87
    BEC 85
    FAR 75
    AUD 64,64, 86!


    I can confirm your general premise – yes. Part of negotiation – yes. Guaranteed – no. Go in there with the mindset of you will get exactly what you are worth and negotiate not a penny less.


    Interesting question. Does anyone know if you're in audit and get your MST, will you get a salary bump for BIG 4?


    ^I highly doubt it…


    Tax is paid higher at entry because they are harder to come by IMO.
    One sits in an office all day year 1-3, one gets to be out in the world year 1-3 and makes relationships that are meaningful to different career paths either in public or industry.

    for reference…

    big4 starting in sept, in audit, buddy in tax, same qualifications generally speaking… ie. no masters, but 150 credits, both late 20's (28/29), and had previous careers where we earned generally the same if not more then starting big4.

    he got 2k more then me to start…. Nothing to lose sleep over – thats $38 pretax each week – so about $20 take home…. make the tax guy buy the first round i suppose.

    IMO, you'll be compensated highly after you show what you are worth beyond education experience, from talking with others are different firms, etc during the process, the offers they got from all the firms were the same…. If you wanna work big4 and are concered about starting salary, I would advise you not to go that route, just my 2cents… You go big4 for the long term opportunities

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