Big 4 Referral Process Help!

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  • #1557922

    Hi all:

    I just had a meeting with an Audit Manager from one of the Big4s, who happened to go to the same undergrad school as I did. The meeting went very well. After the meeting he told me that first he would pass up my resume to the HR, and second, I will need to fill out the online application form for Audit Associate(I’m applying for A1). However, I couldn’t find the online application for Audit Associate on their website’s job section(not posted on the website). In this case, what should I do? Is the online application absolutely mandatory in the “referral” application process since he has already decided to pass my resume to the HR? Or should I wait for the HR to contact me for the next step?

    Thank you

    ~My CPA Journey~
    FAR- 2/24/15- 81
    REG- 4/27/15- Pending
    AUD- TBD
    BEC- TBD

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  • #1557994

    Most likely there will be two stages to apply. The first is to submit profile and resume to a job – “the “black hole”. Take a posted position and apply to it. If they are interested, then the real application process will include much more personal info. I think he was talking about the first thing – to submit to a job. That job will have a job code associated with it on the page. When you submit your app – let that person know that you applied to code xyz. Then they'll know what to look for.

    Don't wait for anyone to follow up with you. Make it happen.


    Thanks for your replies. What about if there is currently no application on the website for the audit associate position right now?May I fill out another application in audit?Btw, I have already completed the talent profile for that firm.

    ~My CPA Journey~
    FAR- 2/24/15- 81
    REG- 4/27/15- Pending
    AUD- TBD
    BEC- TBD


    @M123 Thanks for your replies. What about if there is currently no application on the website for the audit associate position right now?May I fill out another random job application in audit?Btw, I have already completed the talent profile for that firm.

    ~My CPA Journey~
    FAR- 2/24/15- 81
    REG- 4/27/15- Pending
    AUD- TBD
    BEC- TBD


    Pick 2 or 3 of the closest positions to what you are targeting and submit them. They may have different recruiters and you may just send one that will get to the recruiter that is in the right mood, frame of mind or other circumstance to look kindly on your resume.


    Did the manager give you his contact information? Usually when you give someone a resume they will pass it along to HR and then HR will either send them a job that is open for you to apply to be in the system or they will call you directly and then tell you what the next steps would be. To me just applying to any job that does not fit your experience will just have you getting rejected again.

    If you have their contact, I would say email them to follow up and tell them that there is no A1 position open and ask to see if the person has any recommendation on what you should do. Sometimes people will take your resume just to be polite and not really follow up to get you an interview. I hope it works out for you. Good luck!

    AUD - 73, 72 retake 7/2/2016
    BEC - 8/20/2016
    REG - TBD
    FAR - TBD

    I am so ready for this nightmare to be over. Been at this way too long.



    Thanks for your reply. Yes, he gave me his business card. During the meeting, he made some revisions to my resume and asked me to send him an updated version of the resume so he can pass it to the HR(which I already did). At the same time, he also told me to fill out an Audit Associate application on the firm site, which I still couldn't find. I have been monitoring Big4 firms career sections for a couple years and I think they rarely post(if any) entry level Audit Associate applications on their websites. From my past experience, I believe there has to be some “internal process” for me to get through the application process. Since he has already decided to submit my resume to the HR(through my email exchanges with him and actual meeting with him, I can see that he is really willing to help), I'm really not sure what to do now so I can secure a phone interview.

    Should I wait a couple days to see if I receive any response from the HR or the Audit Manager I met and then follow up if nothing happens?

    I think the fact that A1 application doesn't show on the website doesn't mean there isn't an opening available internally.

    ~My CPA Journey~
    FAR- 2/24/15- 81
    REG- 4/27/15- Pending
    AUD- TBD
    BEC- TBD


    I have a similar trouble. The manager sent my resume to the HR who happened to just quit. That is why we did not hear back anything. Now the manager recommends I apply for a job online and put her as referral.



    I saw your case. So did you hear anything back from the director you talked to? Did you follow-up with him after the meeting? Are you currently applying to Big4 as well?

    ~My CPA Journey~
    FAR- 2/24/15- 81
    REG- 4/27/15- Pending
    AUD- TBD
    BEC- TBD


    I did. The director referred me to apply for a job that required three years experience which I did not have, so I got rejected immediately. Keep trying.



    May I know how you managed to set up a phone interview with KPMG?Did you have someone in the firm pass your resume to the HR?If so, how long did you wait for the HR to contact you after the resume was submitted?Did you fill out any application on the KPMG website or did the HR send you an internal referral link? Thank You

    ~My CPA Journey~
    FAR- 2/24/15- 81
    REG- 4/27/15- Pending
    AUD- TBD
    BEC- TBD


    I just applied online and received an email two days later.

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