LOL.if you don't even know how to answer a phone interview..I'm not sure you deserve the job…I have a lot of experience – just answer what they want to hear. It's that simple. If you want to get the job that is. So basically, anything you say, has to add value as to why they should hire you, so only say anything that would benefit their firm. It's a 2-way interview so you kinda wanna be feeling out the feedback or their feelings about you BEFORE you leave the phone interview. If you sense hesitance in their voice, that's not a good sign. You wanna do your best to ask them what are the next steps and verify there's a live face to face interview lined up before you hang up, without sounding pushy or assumptive that you got a face-to-face interview. Basically, show your enthusiasm, why you want the job, and why you're an excellent fit, and that you'd like to come in for an interview right away because you're a taylor fit for the job. Feel out the phone call, and if you can't determine that they wanna go forward, then ask “Do you have any reservations about me being a good fit for the job and setting up an interview in the office? What are your impressions so far about me?” It would be weird for a partner to be so happy to phone interview you and then turn you down there. If they said they wanna bring you in already on the phone, not much you have to say to answer them of any other questions, aside from actual questions you have, like “how many ppl will be interviewing me, and from which areas, because i'm really interested in [tell them the group you wanna work for, like transaction services advisory, M&A auditing, etc], basically drive the interview so it's in your seat, don't let them tell you what area you're gonna work in, tell them what YOU want, but ask over the phone if there are openings in that area first. For example, if you wanna work on investment and equity audit, and a specific city, like NYC, so that your'e not stuck on inventory or something, and in Kansas half the year.