Big 4 Offer – Negotiation Advice

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  • #174535

    I recently received my offer package for a B4 campus hire audit position. (SUPER PUMPED, but also nervous!) I have read a lot on this forum, but would appreciate any input you have on the following questions.

    1. Salary – From what I understand, all campus hires in the same class start at the same rate regardless of experience, degree, etc. I do have some corporate accounting experience and my masters and am curious if this could be a benefit in securing a higher base pay or if tI should gladly sign. This is my only offer so I don’t feel like I have any leverage. The base they quoted me is about 7% higher than my current salary with better benefits, so I am thinking it is better to accept as is, but I would hate to ‘leave money on the table’.

    2. Vacation – I will be starting in January and am getting married early summer 2013 and planned to take ~3 weeks off for the wedding/honeymoon. Should I mention this now (for scheduling purposes/to make sure time is available to use right away) or wait until after I start? Or say, sorry babe, no honeymoon for us, maybe next year? I thought about asking if vacation is accrued each paycheck or available right away as a way to open the conversation and then going from there, but I would appreciate any feedback.

    3. Becker – They offer Becker. Alternatively, they mention reimbursement of other courses at a national capped amount. I purchased Yaeger in Dec 2010. I am not sure if they will reimburse that far back. Those that have used Becker, is it worth it to take this benefit to pass the other two or should I have them reimburse for my prior course?

    4. Time off for CPA – My fiance has encouraged me to put in my 2 weeks as soon as the offer is finalized and use the rest of the year to pass the cpa exam. I am taking REG at the end of Nov and would then study to retake FAR and/or REG early Jan. I definitely see the value of passing this exam before starting, but with Dec being a non-testing window, it doesn’t really increase my chances of passing in November by much and my start date is not finalized (currently just states winter with date to be determined), so I am not sure if a January test date is feasable with busy season. 6 weeks without pay would be a bit tight, but it could be worth it especially since I am nearing the end of my 18 month window (first section expires end of feb).

    Okay, sorry for the book and thank you in advance for any feedback!

    BEC 81
    AUD 76
    FAR 70, 76
    REG 58, 78! DONE!

    "I am not my intentions. I am my actions."

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  • #380736

    1. Take the $ they're offering. You're right in that you have no leverage. Past corporate experience is irrelevant in an audit position.

    2. You'll be able to reserve vacation once you start work. Just make sure to make the reservation for a time after busy season.

    3. Try getting Yager reimbursed first. Otherwise get Becker.

    4. It'd be nice to get that out of the way if possible.

    Mayo, BBA, Macc


    Thanks so much for your feedback!

    Looks like we are in a similar place with the exam. Best of luck with REG and FAR!

    BEC 81
    AUD 76
    FAR 70, 76
    REG 58, 78! DONE!

    "I am not my intentions. I am my actions."


    1) Take the offer ASAP! I know people with masters who make the same as me (no masters)..

    2) I would mention the time you need off for honeymoon as far ahead as possible.

    3) Yes, put in your two weeks, and honestly study STUDY STUDY!!!



    Thanks, futuremdcpa!

    I agree on the salary. The small chance of an increase is not worth the stress.

    When you say as early as possible, do you mean after starting or during the offer process? Is there a risk of bringing it up now vs. later? I would think the earlier the better, but I haven't proven myself yet.

    BEC 81
    AUD 76
    FAR 70, 76
    REG 58, 78! DONE!

    "I am not my intentions. I am my actions."


    Exactly what Mayo said.

    For the CPA exam, I would try to get as many done as possible. If you're consider not working, there is no reason you cant study for more than one exam at a time–hey think of it this way, when you get tired of X you can then study Y, good times!

    I would talk with recruiter/scheduling to see you exact start date–if its a week or more into January I would try to squeeze 2 in then, especially if you have one expiring in Feb.

    Ninja + Wiley Test Bank: [FAR - 81] [REG - 76] [BEC - 88] [AUD - 73](doh!)

    Becker Videos: [AUD - 82]

    California CPA


    I work for a big four firm and have a masters in taxation. I believe for audit, in general a masters degree won't increase your pay. However, at our firm Masters students get paid more and Jd's and LLM's even more than that. However, negotiating with a Big four firm doesn't work, because they have so many people that are willing to work for them for less than what they offered you.

    2)generally vacation accrues…so if you get 3 weeks a year total, then you will only have a week or a week and a half by the time you get married

    3)try getting reimbursed

    4)if you can afford to be without the paycheck, put your two weeks in ASAP and get the exam done! I think most big four firms offer a bonus for passing early! Good luck!

    FAR 4/9/2011: 88 (Becker)
    AUD 5/16/2011: 88 (Becker)
    REG 7/1/2011: 82 (Becker)
    BEC 8/3/2011: 91 (Becker and Ninja)


    1) No wiggle room. Everyone is in the same boat.

    2)vacation accrues, BUT most of the firms will allow you to go negative. However, most of them only offer 15 days a year to start…so that would be ALL of your vacation.

    3)Personally I hated Becker…but if its free then take it and use what you can in conjunction with NINJA.

    4)Pass the CPA exam as SOON AS YOU POSSIBLY CAN. So yeah…quit as soon as you sign your offer letter and beg borrow and steal to get by until the new job starts. (Also…you shouldn't be having much fun anyway if you are studying…so being broke will work better!)


    In regards to salary, I work for a Big 4 and have a masters in accounting. I was offered the same as others in my starting class without a masters. There is no room for salary negotiation at a Big 4, like others have mentioned, if you are not happy with the salary they will find someone who is. With that being said, take the offer!

    REG - 77*, 74, 70, 71, 82
    AUD - 71, 68, 71, 83
    BEC - 75
    FAR - 65, 70, 72, 75

    * = Lost credit due to the 18 month rule


    As others have said, the salary is pretty much the same at every firm in the region/city. No wiggle room. As long as you have enough hours to take the CPA exam they probably won't care that you have your masters.

    There are way too many candidates they can get if you try to up the salary.

    If you ever leave your firm, for another firm or corporate, then you can begin negotiating. Until then, hang in there, get as much experience as you can.


    Thank you all for the advice!

    I accepted the offer and put in my two weeks today so that I can study. I plan to take REG on Nov 3 and was hoping to retake (if needed) in Jan before starting, but I found out my start date is Jan 2. Not sure if it will be possible to take it on one of the first Saturdays in January or not. I haven't seen many 6pm slots open, but have seen a few so that could be an option for 01/02 (orientation in the office).

    I did not negotiate salary, but did mention the vacation. They were very receptive and had me send them the dates, so I am glad I asked. Hopefully it does not reflect negatively behind the scenes!

    They are checking on the reimbursement. If I can get reimbursed, I will probably go that route because I am taking a bit of a financial hit taking time off to study and truly believe that you can pass with any review course if you put the time in. At least that is what I am hoping for! Now I just need to work on my discipline and pound these last exams out.

    Thanks again for all the input. It put my nervous mind at ease!!

    BEC 81
    AUD 76
    FAR 70, 76
    REG 58, 78! DONE!

    "I am not my intentions. I am my actions."

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