Big 4 International Tax

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  • #843099

    Hey everyone,

    So right now I’m studying for REG but my job in Big 4 International Tax starts in about two weeks. I was just wondering if anyone could give me details on what I should expect as to how busy it may be when I first start. I haven’t been able to find much about what to expect for busy times while in international tax because it is relatively project based (from what I hear). Any insight would be greatly appreciated just so I can have a slight idea about what starting a job in the middle of studying might be like.

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  • #845336

    If you are doing compliance, expect to have a lot of work during busy season. If you are doing advisory work, you will have an easier busy season. It depends on the deadlines of your clients.

    REG Aug 20/15: 88
    AUD: Feb 29/16: 80
    FAR: Jun 10/16: 80

    Becker self-study, Becker Final Review & NINJA MCQS


    @kcoops44, what's your background, accounting or law? if accounting, expect a lot of compliance work (ie returns) during spring and fall busy seasons. Otherwise it's project based as you said. Plan for regular 40-hour weeks at first, that will change as you get staffed on projects.

    Also, my opinion – CPA should be a low priority during your first couple months. Those can make or break your career. Don't make the mistake of sacrificing the quality of your work or a chance to make connections in the office just to pass.

    AUD - passed
    REG - passed
    BEC - passed
    FAR - passed


    My background is in accounting, just got my MAcc. I will have just final review for REG when I first start and I feel comfortable with the material since I had a tax concentration for my MAcc so I planned on just doing MCQ for a couple of hours each day whether before or after work. I'm also moving to a different state for this job so I plan on putting a lot of time and effort into making connections at work in order to have a good social life.

    @Son thanks for the advice. I'll make sure I don't let my work performance slip due to stressing about the exam. I want it done but I know it is important to focus on work when I am at work and to do my best.


    sounds like you've got a good plan in place. good luck with the move and the exam!

    AUD - passed
    REG - passed
    BEC - passed
    FAR - passed


    Hours aren't as crazy in those groups from what I've heard. But then again, like others have said, it depends on the nature of your work (compliance vs consulting).

    My opinion is get the CPA done as soon as possible. You only keep getting busier and busier as you move up the chain and it becomes harder longer you wait.

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