Benefits of staying until manager in Big 4

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  • #1574651

    Correct me if I’m mistaken, but it seems like if you can wait it out the 5 years or so, it is way better to stay at the big 4 until manager? I’m talking about in terms of salary and promotion opportunities in public or if you want to go private, it is much better if you wait until manager promotion. For example, if you leave as a senior, you are likely to stay at a senior in private for more years than if you just waited until you hit a manger at b4 and then left for a managerial position.

    Does anyone else have any thoughts on this topic and the pros and cons of leaving big 4 at senior or manager?

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  • Author
  • #1574668

    Interested as well. Seems like if you leave as a senior, you can get closer to making 90k-100k in years 3-5. While with Big4, youre underpaid even as a Manager (barely hitting 100k).


    Most of my friends leave at their senior. I am currently looking for an opportunity to get in Big 4 as a senior…..


    I have been under the impression that managers at Big 4 Firms make well over $100,000. Are you telling me that I have been envious of them all these years for no reason at all? All these years of wishing I was at a Big 4 Firm, and within the next 18 months, I'll be making the same thing as those Big 4 managers except I won't have to work 60 hours a week four months out of every year for busy season, navigate through corporate politics, and hope my supervisor gives me a decent enough review to keep my job for another year. Wow, I won't lust for that any more. My wife always tells me to be grateful for the job/position that I currently have.

    REG - 74, Retook 6/10/16, scored a 72 (Hate this exam)
    BEC - 69, 79, 8/1/15
    AUD - 83, 4/4/15
    FAR - 77, 2/27/16

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