Average Age of Entry Level Associates/Interns at Big 4 and others

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  • #160981

    I was just wondering if I am too old to be selected as a entry level accountant or an intern at a firm.

    I know that Big 4 and other firms usually hire graduates straight out of college or graduate school (so I am guessing 22~26 year olds?)

    I’m going to be 31 tomorrow, and gonna start MSA program this fall… Is my age gonna be an issue?

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  • #290631

    I could see someone in their 40s or 50s asking this question, but 31 is still pretty young…during training for my Big 4 internship, there were several people in their later 20s and early 30s. I think the biggest concern with “older” entry-level people is the difficulty of having someone in their 20s being your boss. I'm not sure about it from the firm's perspective…obviously age discrimination is unacceptable, but it happens…

    I think someone your age is still young enough to easily adapt, yet you have a little but more life experience. I think this makes you more desirable than even the most eager 22 year old…if I was looking for an employee, I would put a lot of value on those extra years of life experience…

    Good luck!

    BEC: 79 - April 2011
    FAR: 78 - May 2011
    AUD: 81 - May 2012
    REG: 79 - October 2012
    Ethics: Passed - March 2013
    I am finally DONE!


    From what I've heard, you very well could be considered too old for an entry level position, especially a position with the Big 4. From my own experience, I'm 23 starting with a Big 4 this fall. I completed my internship with the same Big 4 when I was 21 and a junior in college.

    I actually had a conversation with my uncle, a retired Big 4 partner, last month that is very relevant to your situation. He said age is very integral to a firms decision to hire entry level accountants. My uncle said he could not help his daughter's fiance, who happens to be in his low thirties, in any way obtain a job with his former accounting firm, based solely on him not being in the desired age range for entry level accountants.

    These accounting firms operate on a system.


    When I interned big 4 recently, out of my group of about a hundred interns there were 2 individuals who were middle aged (roughly 50). I'm guessing they got the internship through their school's recruitment centers. It's obviously the exception, but not unheard of.

    AUD - 85
    BEC - 85
    FAR - 76
    REG - 75


    I worked at a regional firm, and out of my start group of about 20 people, there were 2-3 who were older with kids and families (im guessing they were probably in their early 30's).

    They obviously cant discriminate against you because of age, and the fact that the average age of a staff accountant at the Big 4 or other large firm is really just a result of their recruiting so heavily from colleges. The average age of a college graduate is early 20's, so its natural for that to also be the average age of a staff accountant being recruited right out of college.

    Staff auditors travel ALOT and work long hours during busy season. The other reason for most staff accountants being younger is because they generally dont have families, and can really make that committment to travel and work long hours. A firm might not hire an older person with a family because they dont think that person can really meet the demands of the job.

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