Anyone survived the PIP before?

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  • #1666765

    I recently got dinged due to my w/p and my counselor has given me the PIP (Performance Improvement Plan). He told me the language is harsh but the plan is for my own good toward improvement. I signed the form since 1) Whether I sign or refused to sign it, the review will still be on my record and 2) i doubt they care about what my opinion is.

    I have been thinking about switching out of audit since this is my 2nd year and I am not feeling the passion in audit. I also want to work towards something else (advisory, financial analyst, fin. reporting, and etc).

    My question is…

    1) is it too naive to think the PIP is really for my own good or they going to terminate my employment anyway?

    2) Did anyone survive the PIP? I feel like i should start looking just in case, plus it doesn’t hurt to look around.

    3) Did it affect your career for those that got the PIP?

    My friend told me not to waste time and just start looking since they will critique every single w/p that i will be doing. His colleague had the same situation and left the firm after a few months. I am still scheduled on a few more assignments and I’ve been with the firm for 19 months.

    FAR 73, 75*, 79! n DONE!
    BEC 72, 75
    AUD 64, 75
    REG 43, 74, 72, 70, 88!

    HELLO 300 CLUB! 6/8/13

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  • Author
  • #1667072

    I'd say start searching for something new, but in meanwhile stay for as long as they are keeping you in the firm and giving work (assignments).

    If anyone gives out these PIPs and doesnt sit down with you to discuss the actual issues and how to improve, then it's kind of a sign that sooner or later You will be pushed out.

    shawn in VA

    General Ledger-

    I got PIP after a few months at a previous job. It was NOT a performance issue in my opinion, just the manager did not like my personality AND I was overpaid b/c they were desperate for bodies and used me for a few months until they can find someone cheaper. Anyways to your questions:

    1) The PIP is simply a paper trail to document stuff. They don't care about you. The are doing this b/c they want to save their rear end in case you sue.

    2) I was given a 4 week PIP but did not care and had no intentions to “improve” I used the 4 weeks to look for new job. I got a job in 5 weeks so I was let go and unemployed for 1 week…no big deal.

    3) No effect

    Your friend is right. Better look ASAP!!!! They would write me an email every friday for 4 weeks and just critiqued every thing I did “wrong”. It was an email so they can document everything.

    Please get out NOW! I am speaking from experience. They already made up their mind. Its a good time for them to hire someone b/c busy season is stil 2 months away.

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