Don't forget other than your own schools fair there will also be public job fairs they might be hosting, or the city is hosting (plenty in NYC and Boston).
Don't forget the general business job fair or any other major job fair you might be interested (like working as an accountant in a tech firm maybe?) Always check every firm if they gave an accounting (or anything that might qualified, like analyst position) and don't be afraid to walk in and ask.
I've attended almost every major job fair, certain industry link gvnt and N4P will host their own general job fair. I've even been to the restaurant week!
Lastly, if you are extremely desperate, it's a normal practice in NYC to borrow another student's ID and just walk into another school's job fair. You may not apply for the school reserved position, but it's good exp to observe, practice communication and make friends.
(Make friends is the key. Got my free CPA review book and test bank from friends for free…)
New York - NYC
Passed CPA Exam (11/2014)
In search for a position in NYC that will fulfills the license requirement.