Any chance to get into one of the big four or top accounting firms?

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  • #847401

    I have been with my current firm for 2 years. It is a local firm and is small. Right now I regret that I did not apply for any big accounting firms When I was in college. Although, my friends complain about how much they have to work, I still want to work for one of the big firms.

    I just completed CPA exam and applying for the license, I was thinking it may give me more advantage to apply for those big firms. However, I have heard that it is almost impossible to get into big four or other big firms after graduation.

    Has anyone found a job in one of the big firms after working for a local accounting firm? How did you do it?

    Far 10/26/2015, 64, 1/4/2016, 82
    Reg 7/10/2015, 60, 2/27/2016, 86
    Aud, 5/9/2016, 74 (ouch), 7/26/2016, I cannot wait to take this test again
    Bec, 6/10/2016, 70,9/8 retake

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  • #847785

    just fyi, big 4 hires a lot of people via internal referrals. i think it was 43% or something. Can't remember where I read it, but it seems quite accurate after speaking w/ several people who either worked there or knew a lot of people from big 4.

    now, the other 53% is obviously hired w/o referrals, so you certainly have a chance, especially if you already have some experience under your belt.

    go to big 4's websites and search thru their career page for open positions.
    find recruiters on linkedin and contact them.
    go to cpa gatherings and make contacts.

    those are few advice I've received in course of my on-going job search.

    FAR - 94 (10/4/15), Local Prep Online Lectures, BISK & NINJA MCQ
    AUD - 99 (1/19/16), Local Prep Online Lectures, BISK & NINJA MCQ
    REG - 96 (4/19/16), Local Prep Online Lectures, BISK & NINJA MCQ
    BEC - 91 (7/19/16), Local Prep Online Lectures, BISK & NINJA MCQ

    581 days of listening to lectures, reading texts & 10,000+ MCQs...


    I applied for a Big 4 position through referral. I graduated in 5/2016 and started working full-time at a local firm. A month a go, my friend working at a Big 4 firm referred my resume to HR. At that time, there was no opening position yet but my friend just referred me generally. A few days later, I got email and call from HR that they have a opening this October. So I was set up with phone interviews and on-site interviews. There were a few other candidates applying for this job and had interviews also. From the moment my friend sent my resume till the day I got the offer, it's about 3 weeks.
    So to answer your question: Yes, you can still have chance after graduation. And congrats that you are obtaining CPA license. As you may know me from previous posts and gave me advice, I just passed FAR and am taking BEC next week.
    P.S.I applied for Campus Hire position so it maybe different from your case because you may apply through Experienced Hire.


    @Jombe, thank you for the advice. I actually got three interviews from the recruiter. Pretty good size mid tier firms. I just sent my friend who works at EY my updated resume. Let's see.
    BTW, your exam scores are outstanding.

    Far 10/26/2015, 64, 1/4/2016, 82
    Reg 7/10/2015, 60, 2/27/2016, 86
    Aud, 5/9/2016, 74 (ouch), 7/26/2016, I cannot wait to take this test again
    Bec, 6/10/2016, 70,9/8 retake


    @Ashely Zeng, congratulations of passing the CPA exam and getting the big four offer.
    How did you manage for interviews? I don't want my firm knows that I am looking for a job, but they do ask questions if I take days off (especially after I passed all the exams).

    Far 10/26/2015, 64, 1/4/2016, 82
    Reg 7/10/2015, 60, 2/27/2016, 86
    Aud, 5/9/2016, 74 (ouch), 7/26/2016, I cannot wait to take this test again
    Bec, 6/10/2016, 70,9/8 retake


    I took 1 day off as vacation day and it was fine.


    @Vanessachy It's challenging when you're at an employer that questions any days you take off. However, if you have vacation days, then you're entitled to take them, and you'll just have to find creative ways to excuse the absence. Perhaps find something else to do the same day that they'd be OK with as a reason to be off? For example, if you have family that lives a few hours away, then if you schedule a Friday morning interview and decide to go visit those relatives from Friday after the interview through Sunday, then you could request Friday off to take a long weekend and visit family, which is what you're doing with part of the day Friday and the rest of the weekend. It's really none of your employer's business what you do in your time off, unless you're requesting an exception to time off policy based on the reason for your absence, so accounting for every minute you're off isn't necessary. I personally wouldn't call in sick for an interview; however, requesting a day off, and when asked why I need time off only telling them what I'm doing for 1/2 the day is something I would consider, since it's none of their business why I'm taking time off anyway.

    Some people also say things like “I have an appointment” or “I have some personal business” to take care of etc., but those are easily interpreted as “I have an interview”. It's a balance of “how honest do you require yourself to be” vs “how much are you willing to disclose to your employer”. An employer shouldn't be challenging your request off to start with. 😐 I'm about to submit a request off for a day and know I won't be asked what it's for. It happens to be to take the final exam for my MBA course, cause it's open on Friday only (wth?), but they'll assume I just want a long weekend and that's fine. If asked, this is a reason I could tell, but I haven't had any reason previously to discuss my MBA courses with my boss so I don't see any reason now to say “Hey, this day off is for my course that you don't know about”, and I won't have to substantiate it, either. That's the way most employers are and the way all employers should be, that you can request off without having to submit a reason for it, if you have accrued vacation time.


    @Lilla, good idea, my problem is that I am relocating. I live in Western Mass and relocating in Boston. If I go for two interviews within one day, I have to take a day off. But I agree with you, it is none of their business. Recently, one of the partners is fishing something and asking me a lot of questions, so I feel a little bit annoyed. One top of that, if I have a second interview, I need to take another day off. I was thinking about taking like a sick day for the second interviews; however, I agree with you, I probably shouldn't do that.
    @Ashely Zeng, you only need to interview once? So you don't need to go for a second interview?

    Far 10/26/2015, 64, 1/4/2016, 82
    Reg 7/10/2015, 60, 2/27/2016, 86
    Aud, 5/9/2016, 74 (ouch), 7/26/2016, I cannot wait to take this test again
    Bec, 6/10/2016, 70,9/8 retake


    I applied for the position in a different state so it took me a day to travel also. I had one phone interview. Then, I was invited to on-site visit where I had 2 more interviews. The on-site interview is usually scheduled on Monday or Friday for candidates to travel from out of state like me. So you should be fine.


    @Ashely Zeng, Thank you for the information.

    Far 10/26/2015, 64, 1/4/2016, 82
    Reg 7/10/2015, 60, 2/27/2016, 86
    Aud, 5/9/2016, 74 (ouch), 7/26/2016, I cannot wait to take this test again
    Bec, 6/10/2016, 70,9/8 retake

    Valar Dohaeris

    I'm familiar with folks working their way up to Big 4. It's not too much of a reach to work your way up from a local/regional firm to a non-Big 4 global firm like GT/RSM/BDO. From there, it's possible to make an easier move to Big 4.

    My theory is that in audit, you won't be getting the same kind of experience. So, a local firm will promote you to Senior, but you won't be on par to a Big 4 Senior “according to their standards”. I mean, how many smaller firms have audit clients that test controls the way Big 4 does with their big clients? It really depends on the market and the firm's client portfolio and service lines. In some markets, you'll tend to see smaller firms trading clients with Big 4. For example, I'm in a market where one Big 4 lost a client to Moss Adams and Eide Bailly, but gained a client from BDO. Even then, in major markets like LA or Chicago, you'll see Big 4's audit practice partitioned into separate divisions with a division for private clients whose portfolio would consist of clients you'd see smaller firms audit.

    I'd say tax should be much easier to transition to Big 4 and bigger firms because all firms have like private wealth services and SALT for tax services.

    BEC - 85
    AUD - 81
    REG - 84
    FAR - 7/24/16

    Substantive Testing

    It is not impossible. I see Big 4s hiring many audit staffs from local firms. The only cons would be that if you are Senior with CPA in a local firm, you will probably be hired as an Associate 2 in the big 4. Also if busy seasons consisted of weeks of 60 hours at a local firm, at the Big 4 it will be 80 hours week.


    @Valar Dohaeris, I agree with you. I actually have friends who work in tax department in EY, it is much easier in my opinion. I don't see any opening for audit in Boston area. However, I want to do audit, not tax. I have some interviews coming with pretty good size regional accounting firms for audit potion. If I can get those offers, I would be happy as well.

    Far 10/26/2015, 64, 1/4/2016, 82
    Reg 7/10/2015, 60, 2/27/2016, 86
    Aud, 5/9/2016, 74 (ouch), 7/26/2016, I cannot wait to take this test again
    Bec, 6/10/2016, 70,9/8 retake


    @Substantial Assurance, I really don't mind hours and starting point, it pays off later.

    Far 10/26/2015, 64, 1/4/2016, 82
    Reg 7/10/2015, 60, 2/27/2016, 86
    Aud, 5/9/2016, 74 (ouch), 7/26/2016, I cannot wait to take this test again
    Bec, 6/10/2016, 70,9/8 retake


    I work at a small firm as an auditor and I've seen people leave from my firm to larger firms. They all either passed the exams or were a CPA so I don't think it should be too hard for you since you said you passed them all. An employee referral definitely makes it easier to get in.


    @Vanessachy. Congrats on passing your last section of the CPA exam. Have you applied for the CPA lincense? Are you going to apply for full or non-reporting? I agree it is bit difficult to get into these big 4s after the graduation. They prefer fresh graduates and hiring is through campus recruting. That said, they do have openings for experienced professionals. Your best chance would be to apply for these open positions.

    FAR 79
    AUD 87
    BEC 78
    REG 08/31/2016

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