Advice requested – first few months as a Big 4 auditor

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  • #181806

    I’m a few weeks into client work at a big 4 and am moving slowly. My thought process is: learn now so I can fly during busy season. Problem is, I’ve blown the budget on 2 clients now. The second time I at least was able to warn my senior before I exceeded hours. Both seniors said not to worry about the budget but to be better moving forward. Actually, instead of ripping me apart for the budget, they pointed out an area that I thought I excelled in to tell me to work on. I think I’m doing good work (slow, but good) and I’m learning, but the requirements of the job are obviously key.

    I’ve been on edge ever since I started. Some background – I did not bond with the other first years like I thought I would. There’s really no one in the company I trust to ask for help yet. And I’m a perfectionist. I got upset in school when I didn’t get an A (yeah, I was that annoying person), so I’m used to doing things right and well the first time. But, now, I’m overwhelmed. I feel like I creating a self-fulfilling prophecy but I always feel like I’m on the edge of being let go (when, in reality, that’s probably ridiculous at this point…. maybe not next summer). I’m a fun person but am so scared I barley talk at work. I need this job as my family has struggled, so that’s an added pressure.

    In addition, the tension in the audit field is very overwhelming. I’m not used to having to fight tooth and nail to get what I need, but dealing with the anger of the client is a whole new world to me. I’m a peacemaker and that’s just not an option in this line of work.

    Basically, I’m looking for feedback. Can you tell me how badly I’ve messed up, where I focus my energies, does it get better? I want to do well and be successful and a great employee with this company. Anything will help as I’ll probably keep feeding this self-fulfilling prophecy of inadequacy until it’s too late.

    REG - 93 (Jul'13)
    FAR - 97 (Dec '13)
    AUD - 99 (May '14)
    BEC - Jul '14

    Becker Self Study/Ninja Notes/Ninja Audio/Ninja MCQ/Wiley Test Bank/Wiley Book

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  • Author
  • #470089
    UNC MAcc

    Update your resume, you're getting fired.

    Just kidding. Lighten up, keep plugging away, it will get better. There is no magic advice to fix inexperience.

    “There’s really no one in the company I trust to ask for help yet. And I’m a perfectionist.”

    You need to let this go. You're not perfect and you never will be. You must trust your Auditor In Charge when you have questions. What are you afraid will happen if you ask questions?

    ” I’m a fun person but am so scared I barley talk at work.”

    There is nothing to be afraid of. Worst thing that could happen is you make a mistake. Guess what, it has happened before. Lighten up and make an effort to be more friendly.

    B - 89
    A - 80
    R - 78
    F - 86

    CIA, CFSA, MBA, MAcc (too many f'ing degrees and certs, I know, trust me)

    UNC MAcc

    Update your resume, you're getting fired.

    Just kidding. Lighten up, keep plugging away, it will get better. There is no magic advice to fix inexperience.

    “There’s really no one in the company I trust to ask for help yet. And I’m a perfectionist.”

    You need to let this go. You're not perfect and you never will be. You must trust your Auditor In Charge when you have questions. What are you afraid will happen if you ask questions?

    ” I’m a fun person but am so scared I barley talk at work.”

    There is nothing to be afraid of. Worst thing that could happen is you make a mistake. Guess what, it has happened before. Lighten up and make an effort to be more friendly.

    B - 89
    A - 80
    R - 78
    F - 86

    CIA, CFSA, MBA, MAcc (too many f'ing degrees and certs, I know, trust me)


    You've been working for a few weeks and you think they care about the budget?? Stop with the perfectionist stuff. If you are a perfectionist, then you should really be in the tax department.


    You've been working for a few weeks and you think they care about the budget?? Stop with the perfectionist stuff. If you are a perfectionist, then you should really be in the tax department.


    Agree. Let go of the need to be perfect. This is the ideal time to make mistakes. Review comments can only make you better. As long as they're not the same ones over and over (spell check anyone?) you'll be fine.

    Mayo, BBA, Macc


    Agree. Let go of the need to be perfect. This is the ideal time to make mistakes. Review comments can only make you better. As long as they're not the same ones over and over (spell check anyone?) you'll be fine.

    Mayo, BBA, Macc

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