Accepted Big 4 Position but don\'t qualify to sit for CPA in State Need Help!

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  • #1512687

    Accepted a Big 4 Audit position in X state but now realizing I don’t meet some of the criteria to sit in that particular state. I do qualify to sit in the state where I am currently getting my Masters in Accounting.

    What should I do? I planned on sitting for the state my school is in originally before accepting the offer but now decided to move to the new state. In the offer letter I think it says offer is contingent upon being able to sit in X State.

    Can I take the CPA in my current state then do a reciprocal application to my new state? Should I let the firm know? I heard Big 4 doesn’t care what state you have as long as you have it. Would prefer not to have to take additional classes because I would have to do it at a local college and pay $ and apply and everything.

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  • Author
  • #1512693
    shawn in VA

    is 1980 the year you were born ? wow that makes you 36/37 and your just starting your career/CPA journey ?



    I would believe the state where your big 4 is located would be where they want you to be licensed. Will you finish the exams and finish the reciprocity process before you start your position? Then yes, don't worry. However, it would be advisable for you to finish the process of being able to sit for the state of where you plan to work if you DO start your position before you finish the exams.

    I believe they'll have leniency if you take measures to qualify for their state before your state date.

    Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved - Helen Keller


    BEC 80 (10/23/15)
    FAR 72 (4/2/15); 83 (7/11/16)
    REG 52 (4/28/15)
    AUD (9/9/16)

    Roger + NINJA MCQ + WTB


    Your best bet especially since you seem not to want to give details here is to call the board in the state you'll be working and ask them directly if you can either transfer a licence or get reciprocity and use that answer when you talk to the firm which you should also do. Probably not an issue but better to sort it out now than later.

    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager


    No not 36 years old just an arbitrary number I use online, I'm 23.

    No I won't finish the exams before I start my position. I'm just starting to study for the exams. Problem I have is that I'm about to graduation in May and can't change my classes to adjust. If got licensed in another state would they know? Would they care? If I need like 3 hours how can i get it? are there ways I can do it online or something?


    If all you need is three hours, take a class after you graduate from a college as a non-degree seeking student. Columbia College has UL accounting online classes that are semester based but are only 8 weeks long and cost roughly $800.

    CMA - 430
    BEC - 83
    FAR - ?
    AUD -
    REG -


    I got my license in another state and then moved and began working in a new state. Even though I was applying for a reciprocal licence, I had to meet all requirements of an initial applicant in my new state and the application process was actually a lot more involved the second time around. If I were you, I'd just sign up at a local school and pay for whatever course(s) you need to qualify where you'll be working. Your firm probably won't care what state you're licensed, but unless you don't plan on staying in that state long-term, I'd think you'd want to eventually be licensed there.

    B - 88 (2/16)
    A - 84 (4/16)
    R - 73 (6/16), 82(7/16)
    F - 67 (1/16), 84(4/16)

    Ethics - 93

    Roger course & Ninja MCQ - HiYa!


    They most definitely care, it might be ok the first two years but once you become a senior they'll start actively asking for this information. You have to report the state and license number to HR and then confirm every year you have an active license and are in good standing with your board.

    Hard to say if they'd revoke your offer, but to be on the safe side check with the board of the state you're moving to how you can get a reciprocal license. If anything, 3 credits is nothing, and in SOME states you can get them online. I'd not say a word to HR about this until you figure out your plan.

    AUD - passed
    REG - passed
    BEC - passed
    FAR - passed

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